Celebrating the Hungarian culture
19th of June – II. Hungarian Culture Day
27-30th of May – I. Hungarian Folk Dance Camp

27th of June – I. Hungarian Culture Day
15-30th of October – Ealing Autumn Festival

The Ealing Autumn Festival from 15th to 30th of October was organized by the Hungarian Culture and Heritage Society in co-operation with the West Ealing Art Scene. The festival was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ferenc Liszt, the famous Hungarian composer and pianist.
Video about the Liszt Installation: Link
The opening day of the Festival – taking place on the 15th of October – was fulfilled with arts, crafts, and gourmet treats from Hungary. It was held in the Ealing Shopping Centre. Fine handcrafts were displayed from Hungary and from Transylvania. We have welcomed on board the Cuisine of Hungary restaurant that produced gourmet food during the whole festival such as our famous goulash, sausages and lángos. Watfordi Süti looked after the sweet-toothed with its delicious home-made Hungarian pastries and a variety of cakes. The Hungarian Delicatessen shop offered a wide range of products from Hungary, specialities that you cannot buy anywhere else (most importantly túró rudi and paprika). As food for thoughts there was a chance to buy Hungarian books from Londoni Magyar Könyvek. It was a real pleasure having Krisztina Koch’s tent with handmade embroidery work of Kalocsa style.
On the 23rd of October HC&HS organized a Hungarian National Day at Ealing Town Hall. The event was mainly related to the anniversary of Ferenc Liszt, it was also a tribute to the Hungarian revolution in 1956. The public could enjoy the exhibition about Liszt’s life through a poster collection provided by the Liszt Museum in Budapest, Hungarian folk music and dance, and a film screening of Children of Glory. Speeches opened by Countess Ilona Esterhazy, who shared her thoughts with us about the past and the future of Hungary. We were delighted to welcome the famous classic Hungarian folk group Muzsikás for a rare UK performance to celebrate the Hungarian National Day.
The weekend of 29th – 30th of October was the closing weekend of the festival and a real treat for everyone. Our handcraft tents were expanded with Erzsike’s stall, who came from Kolozsvar, Transylvania to show her beautiful handcrafted lace work.
Kiss Mariann weboldala: Link
Alongside the weekend programmes, we had a wide range of programs on weekday, as well: Classical Music concerts at St. Barnabas and St. Mary’s Churches, film screenings, speeches by George Szirtes, an exhibition by Kees Wattjes and many other events also took place.
We have received plenty of positive feedback with regards to the festival. It was definitely a great experience and fun for all. We have met a lot of interesting people and have built a few promising relationships over the festival, leading to future projects.
That inspires us to organize more Hungarian events in the future.
We would like to thank all those who gave us a hand or just visited the Festival and contributed to its success.

The Ealing Autumn Festival from 15th to 30th of October was organized by the Hungarian Culture and Heritage Society in co-operation with the West Ealing Art Scene. The festival was dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ferenc Liszt, the famous Hungarian composer and pianist.
Video about the Liszt Installation: Link
The opening day of the Festival – taking place on the 15th of October – was fulfilled with arts, crafts, and gourmet treats from Hungary. It was held in the Ealing Shopping Centre. Fine handcrafts were displayed from Hungary and from Transylvania. We have welcomed on board the Cuisine of Hungary restaurant that produced gourmet food during the whole festival such as our famous goulash, sausages and lángos. Watfordi Süti looked after the sweet-toothed with its delicious home-made Hungarian pastries and a variety of cakes. The Hungarian Delicatessen shop offered a wide range of products from Hungary, specialities that you cannot buy anywhere else (most importantly túró rudi and paprika). As food for thoughts there was a chance to buy Hungarian books from Londoni Magyar Könyvek. It was a real pleasure having Krisztina Koch’s tent with handmade embroidery work of Kalocsa style.
On the 23rd of October HC&HS organized a Hungarian National Day at Ealing Town Hall. The event was mainly related to the anniversary of Ferenc Liszt, it was also a tribute to the Hungarian revolution in 1956. The public could enjoy the exhibition about Liszt’s life through a poster collection provided by the Liszt Museum in Budapest, Hungarian folk music and dance, and a film screening of Children of Glory. Speeches opened by Countess Ilona Esterhazy, who shared her thoughts with us about the past and the future of Hungary. We were delighted to welcome the famous classic Hungarian folk group Muzsikás for a rare UK performance to celebrate the Hungarian National Day.
The weekend of 29th – 30th of October was the closing weekend of the festival and a real treat for everyone. Our handcraft tents were expanded with Erzsike’s stall, who came from Kolozsvar, Transylvania to show her beautiful handcrafted lace work.
Kiss Mariann weboldala: Link
Alongside the weekend programmes, we had a wide range of programs on weekday, as well: Classical Music concerts at St. Barnabas and St. Mary’s Churches, film screenings, speeches by George Szirtes, an exhibition by Kees Wattjes and many other events also took place.
We have received plenty of positive feedback with regards to the festival. It was definitely a great experience and fun for all. We have met a lot of interesting people and have built a few promising relationships over the festival, leading to future projects.
That inspires us to organize more Hungarian events in the future.
We would like to thank all those who gave us a hand or just visited the Festival and contributed to its success.
More pictures about the Festival programs, click on the following links —
2nd Archery Day 18th of September

To our greatest pleasure we had several guest who we met on our first event, but luckily we had many newcomers, too, so we have managed to get a really good crew together again on this pleasant autumn Sunday.
At the beginning of the day we were not sure whether we would survive the day without any rain and complete the program without getting soaked, but we are happy to say that we did not get any rain up until the end of the announcements of the results. While the archers were competing, our delicious “bogrács gulyás” was cooked to the great pleasure of our “hunters”.
The 2nd half of the competition took place after having our succulent, square meal, while those who did not take part in the shooting had a chat and laugh around the camp fire.
After completing the archery we handed over the medals to our top 3 competitors together with prizes offered by 3 Hungarian businesses – that we would like to send our thank you.
1st place: Norbert Szekeres
Prize: 1 hrs long back massage by Goldenhands Global
2nd place: Vilmos Vachaja
Prize: 1 book of his choice by Londoni Magyar Könyv
3rd place: Balázs Balogh
Prize: A delicious chocolate cake by Margyar Londoni Pékség
For those who could not take part this time, we would like to recommend our future events where you could experience this adventure, join a pleasant company and meet new and interesting people. We are planning to organise similar events in the near future at different locations, in different formats so that all those Hungarians living so far from our home country could get together and sign up to this community building project.
Remember, these are programs for all generations, so come, join us and enrich your mind, body and soul.